Which One Is True About Pfds

Among The Below-Mentioned Statements Which One Is True About Pfds? 

  1. Utilize gasoline to tidy up a PFD with a coating of oil or grease 
  2. It is so difficult to put on PFDs when a person is sunken. 
  3. PFDs can not swim well in shallow water.
  4. The PFDs of children must be loosely fitted

Among the above-mentioned statements the statement given on option B i.e. “It is so difficult to put on PFDs when a person is sunken” is true. 

The full form of PFD is a personal flotation device. They are also called life preserve or life jackets. They are available in different shapes and sizes for various types of activities related to water. It is very important to learn the different categories of PFDs because every category possesses some extraordinary properties and they also have different uses. 

Before clarifying the statement of option B let’s have a quick glimpse at the different kinds of PFDs. 

Type I Pfds: Bigger & Bulkier 

This type of PFDs is generally an offshore life jacket. They are particularly designed for keeping a person afloat with the face up for a long time. These provide more buoyancy, exactly 22 pounds which are greater than other kinds of PFDs. They are mainly designed for profound and open waters. These kinds of jackets are perfect for a person who has to remain in the water for a long time until he gets any assistance because it assists a senseless individual to stay floating keeping his face up. 

Type II PFDs: Classic Industry Standard 

These types of PFDs are called near-shore buoyant vests or classic life jackets. These are the most popular flotation devices, particularly for sporting water activities. These kinds of jackets are business standard and they are available in different shapes and sizes for children as well as adults. It has 15.5 pounds buoyancy. Hence, these kinds of hackers are very helpful in turning a senseless person with his face up in quiet inland water where the rescue team will come easily. 

Type III PFDs: Flotation Aids 

These kinds of PFDs are also called flotation aids. They are available in various shapes and sizes and perfectly usable in quiet land waters for different boating activities where assistance will come easily. On the contrary, these kinds of PFDs are not able to keep a senseless person with his face up even though it has 15.5 pounds of buoyancy. 

Type IV PFDs: Throwable Aids 

These kinds of PFDs have throwable floating appliances made to offer additional support or assistance to an individual who is not putting on a life jacket. Indeed, these kinds of PFDs can not displace the wearable ones but they are very useful if they are kept for emergency uses. Some popular kinds of throwable appliances are ring buoys, boat cushions, and horseshoe buoys. These kinds of PFDs are not to be used by children, non-swimmers, or senseless people. 

Type V PFDs: Specialty Devices 

These kinds of PFDs are generally utilized in professional spaces and have especially manufactured PFDs like work vests and deck suits. These kinds of appliances can not be used for doing any kind of sporting activities. 

Inflatable Life Jackets 

These kinds of life jackets are not so heavy and do not require huge space like general PFDs. There are internal chambers in these alliances that offer buoyancy when enlarged. The most significant characteristics of these kinds of life jackets are inflating mechanisms, in-water features, buoyancy levels, and so on. If you are going to use these appliances you must thoroughly read the guidelines of the manufacturer and make sure that the appliance you are going to use is of the proper size. 

Now it is high time to clarify the important portion of the question i.e. Why is it so difficult to put on PFDs when a person is sunken? Let’s discuss this. 

  • PFDs are particularly designed for providing buoyancy which means they may keep floating on the surface of the water. But if it is sunken, it becomes very difficult to cover the position and orientation of a PFD because it gets entangled either with the body or other things and hence it becomes difficult to wear it. 
  • The other main factor is water resistance which prevents the movement of objects underwater. This type of resistance may make it challenging for a person to wear a PFD with flexible buckles or straps underwater.
  • When it is sunken a person can not see this properly. And hence the person is not able to locate the straps or buckles properly and wear the PFD. 
  • A person who is injured or does not know how to swim properly will start panicking underwater. The person due to sudden stress and panic attacks loses his thinking and reasoning powers. Hence it becomes very challenging in such a simple world like wearing a PFD. 
  • There are a lot of cases where PFDs fail to provide adequate buoyancy or expand timely. There might be some appliance failure cases for which people find it challenging to put on it or feel uncomfortable. 

To conclude we may say that several factors like resistance from water, product buoyancy, lack of clear visibility, poor appliance, stress, and panic are the reasons why people find it difficult to wear a PFD getting submerged in water. That is why people should learn how to wear a PFD normally before using it in an emergency. Moreover, it is very important to use a perfectly fitted PFD to prevent the risk of unexpected accidents. 


  • What Are The Difficulties Of Wearing A Pfd While Submerged? 

The primary problems people face while they try to put on a PFD while submerged are resistance from water, product buoyancy, poor appliance, stress and panic, and lack of clear visibility. 

  • When Will One Put On A Pfd?

As per the guidelines of the United States Coast Guard, every sporting boat has to carry authorized PFDs. But the number of PFDs may vary depending on various factors like the number of passengers, the size of the boat, and the type of activity. Generally, everyone below 13 always has to put on a PFD. But depending on the state and municipality the age and PFD regulations may differ. 

  • How Will I Get A Perfect Pfd?

Sometimes it is not enough to water a PFD to prevent an accident. It is very important to make sure that the PFD is perfect in size and there are no fitting issues, the PFD you are going to wear is suitable for the activity you are going to perform. You have to consider the buoyancy of the PFD before choosing it. It must be perfect for your weight. Moreover, you should go through the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer about fitting and sizing before selecting a PFD. 

  • How Will I Maintain My Pfd? 

A well-maintained and good conditioned PFD is safe to be used in water. If there is any damage you should dispose of it immediately. You may follow the below-mentioned ideas to maintain your PFD properly: 

  • You can not make alterations to your PFD because the US Coast Guard guidelines will not allow you to do it. It may incorporate the effectiveness of the appliance. 
  • Before keeping your PFD in storage you should let it dry. If you keep it wet in the storage it may damage the buoyant elements and impact the flotation capability. 
  • You should keep your PFD in a cool and dry place. To make your PFD effective for longer you should not keep it under direct sunlight. 
  • You need to utilize your PFD for a valid reason. Don’t use it as a seat cover or kneeling pad because it may break down the buoyant elements inside the PFD. 
  • How Do I Make Routine Inspections Of My Pfd? 

Your PFD will break down ultimately after continual uses and over time no matter how perfectly you maintain your PFD. That is why you must check the following things regularly to make sure that your PFD is safe for use: 

  • You need to check the normal damages like tears, holes, rips, or any other damages that may obstruct you from floating. 
  • You need to check the buoyant element very carefully to detect if it is shrinking. 
  • You need to check air leakages and water logging issues because these types of damages may reduce buoyancy. 

If you want to learn more about it you may contact My Assignment Writing Help. We will be glad to help you. 

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