Everything You Should Know About Emotive Language

Being humans we are mostly molded with our emotions. As per research most of the time we have an emotion. That is why sentimental content is almost two times more popular than factual content. Those who are going to create content have to understand the function of the emotion in making the audience understand what they imply and they have to include information purposefully that will interest the emotions of the audience. 

On the contrary, language is the primary element for writing content. If you check thoroughly you will find that the novelists or writers utilize emotive language to stir the emotions of the audience and probably affect their decisions. No matter whether you are writing creatively or fictionally, you have to “emote” to attract the minds of your readers with your concepts and feelings. In this article, we are going to show you the way emotive language impacts the readers. 

What Do You Mean By Emotive Language?

Most brands now know the advantages of emotional appeal for long-term ROI. Emotional marketing aims to convince customers to prefer, recall, buy, or suggest the message, products, or services of a company. Customers are motivated to react to emotive language which generally concentrates on arousing a particular emotion. 

For using emotive terms to engage with the audience marketers have to stroll a marrow lime between making “false” emotions or stuffing keywords with emotive words. For this reason, you have to assess emotive language as a component of your content development and editorial procedures. 

How Will You Use Emotive Language?

You may use emotive language in various ways like using provocative terms or playing with the meanings of a word. Some specific words arouse particular emotions in us. The reading contains more than just factual data absorption, for example, the term “gun” will awaken fear, but the term “dog” will awaken joy. No matter where we understand it or not, it can not be denied that words play a very important role in how we view the universe. 

For this reason, we can agree or disagree with the point of view of any individual. We possess different emotions when we listen to the terms “aggressive” and “calm”. Look at the words “peaceful” and “silent” Despite being synonyms still the term you select influences your feelings. 

Provocative Words 

Provoking language is supplied to be the simplest and most apparent type of emotive language that is also called “trigger words”. Based on the method of their uses along with their related emotions, such words provoke the readers to give a reaction instantly. 

Examples of such words are horror, contempt, pleasure, and surprise. So, authors use these terms for arousing such emotions in readers, displaying to them the feelings that are being experienced by the characters or the environment that is now being described. 

Readers may often pertain to a character instantly because they can easily understand the emotions expressed through their terms. 

Look at the following two phrases to understand them clearly: 

“The Bear Attacked The Wolf.”

“The Savage Bear Viciously Assaulted The Helpless Wolf.”

We can see the difference between the two sentences. The first sentence simply says the facts with slight or no feelings but the second sentence influences the readers to show empathy for the wolf and awakens their feelings such as sorrow and anger. Hence, provoking language enables one to raise the emotional level of work instantly and simply. 

Emotive Language & Connotations 

There might be different meanings or connotations of a word. Therefore, to evoke the readers to give an emotional response authors generally utilize such words that contain obvious hidden connotations or meanings, significances, and metaphors. In this way, connotations allow the authors to utilize emotive language in a negative as well as positive way. 

We have given an example for you–

Elizabeth I consciously emphasized her physical problems while accentuating her emotional stamina in her important conversation with the soldiers at Tilbury in 1588:

“I Know I Have The Body But Of A Weak And Feeble Woman, But I Have The Heart And Stomach Of A King….”

Elizabeth used the terms “heart” and “stomach” in this passage not for their real meaning but rather for the infections of passion and courage they indicate. She is trying to say that even though she dwells in such a universe where men govern and need their physical prowess, she has the inner stamina and bravery that are generally credited to kings. 

What Are The Various Kinds Of Emotive Terms?

Emotive words change the perspective of the readers and make them react instantly. Hence emotive language can be compelling. Loaded terms are terms that often express feelings comparatively better than others. We have given some loaded terms instances:

Positive Emotive Language Instances

  • SafeAmusedCleanHope
  • Inspiration

Negative Emotive Language Instances 

  • FearAngerGuiltDisgust
  • Revenge

Emotive Fear Words Instances

  • Panic
  • Horror
  • Dread
  • Shock
  • Anxiety

Emotive Words For Inspiration Instances

  • CouragePridePeaceStrength
  • Bless

Emotive Words for Happiness

  • Delighted
  • Charming
  • Joyful
  • Affection
  • Attraction

Emotive Words for Confusion

  • Clumsy
  • Unstable
  • Puzzle
  • Discomfort
  • Embarrassed 

Why Will You Use Emotive Language?

Some contexts demand to use emotive language. You may utilize it in conversations, speeches, addresses to the public, and normal conversations. Though it is widely used in creative or fictional writing for offering readers a more clear and interesting experience. Poetry, novels, and short plays are composed in this way. In non-fiction writing along with biographies, newspaper articles, personal blogs, and opinion pieces this writing style is used. 

Students often use this language in speeches and discussions when the primary aim is to transmit the beliefs and thoughts of someone. Hence, they can transmit their thoughts by using emotive language. A lot of public speakers create a string effect on the thoughts of the listener with the help of emotive language. In commercials, such words are used to pique the interest of the spectators. Slogans are drafted by using emotive words for expressing an opinion. 

What Are The Uses Of Emotive Language In Real Life?

Emotive language is not only utilized in literature but also casual conversations. We often see that news headlines are using emotive language to pique the interest of the readers. We have given some examples: 

  • “Downtown Chicago Witnessed The Cold-Blooded Murder Of An Innocent Bystander.”

In this sentence, emotive language is utilized with the terms “innocent” and “murder” and with the phrase “cold-blooded”./

  • “An Adolescent Girl Was Abused By A Freak.”

In this sentence, emotive language is used in the words “freak” “abused” and “adolescent”. 

  • “Attackers Sneaked Up On The Helpless Victims At Night And Attacked Them.”

In this sentence, emotive language is used in the terms “attacked” and “helpless victims”. 

What Are The Advantages Of Using Emotive Language?

Every coach, trainer, or writer wants to alter the perception of someone, teach them, and motivate them to convey their ideas and work. If you use emotive language you will get the following benefits: 

  • Your reach will increase.
  • Your influence will be expanded. 
  • You will be able to win over your supporters. 
  • You may easily employ others to join your company, your campaign, or your program. 

How Will You Improve Your Emotive Language Skills?

If you do not know how to write better so that you can express your feelings clearly, you do not need to panic. Most writers find it challenging to use proper emotive words. Hence, you have to first improve your emotive language. 

Most authors often face language problems. You have to just construct your emotional vocabulary. You have to gain this skill by reading those articles that contain effective emotive language and you may also research to acquire this skill. You have to read everything like magazines, news articles, journals, etc, not only books. Furthermore, you have to practice writing so that you may use proper words to express your feelings. 


Emotive language is a very effective weapon for any kind of writing. Moreover, it motivates and pushes the readers by summoning a clear picture of a shared effort. If you can do it well you will be able to motivate the reader to show sympathy for the author and influence them to see the incidents from their point of view. 

We know that emotive language can be used when required and in the proper context to prevent losing its effect or being misinterpreted. You have to keep the things in your mind and then you may use emotive language to the fullest. If you require any help regarding this topic you may contact My Assignment Writing Help.


  • What Are The Instances Of Emotive Language?

Emotive languages are often related to emotions. Some popular examples of emotive words are scared, astonished, drowsy, anxious, happy, worried, furious, bored, puzzled, disgusted, eager, annoyed, hopeful, wounded, envious, mad, worried, confident, unhappy, and so on. 

  • What Do You Mean By Emotive Language?

Emotive language is the best language technique for stirring emotions. It is nothing but the utilization of terms for awakening an emotional reaction in readers or listeners. The primary aim of emotive language is to create a strong effect on people. 

  • How Does The Audience Feel When Emotive Language Is Utilized?

Emotive language helps to influence the audience. By using emotive language one can influence the reactions of a group of listeners. Hence, if you want to convince your audience you have to use emotive language in your writing. 

  • Why Do The Writers Communicate With Emotive Language?

The phrase emotive language interprets the particular combination of words to awaken an emotional reaction. Proking an emotional reaction through language is called emotive language and the main objective of this language is to convince the audience to support the point of view of the writer or the speaker. 

  • How Is The Emotive Language Utilized?

Emotive language is used by using explanatory words. These words are often adjectives that display to the readers what the feeling of the author or a character is about something. It helps the readers to feel something and influence them to react. 

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